Sunday, February 4, 2007

Pizza Hut....KFC... mmmm...

Sorry Eric, i am a company man and as such have to eat almost exclusively at our clients restaurants here in Guangzhou. I consider it local food because the locals prepare and serve it, and they love it. These places are packed here.

Well, let me go back to my story and pick up the thread. After returning from Shaimen Island we had our bottle (which, may i add, Hailey is taking quite well) and some quiet time (we needed it). I ventured out and found the KFC. They have picture menus for us non-chinese speaking folk, and i managed to explain that i didnt want the corn cup and koolaid, but rather good old fries, pop and some chicken. Thankfully they dont use the local oils and it was delicious (but had the same effect as at home). The place was packed and families will purchase buckets to eat in the restaurant, rather than take home. The shopping street was packed, as it is the weekend here and people are really starting to come out in droves leading to Chinese New Year. I made my way back to the hotel and joined Alex.

At 5:30 we joined some of our group and went out to Pizza Hut! Yummy pizza. If you saw the food here, you would agree. All the little babies in high chairs were very excited. The menu is extended here to include many local dishes as well. We found pizza on the last page of the menu. It was very loud and exciting. When we came out after dinner, the local market was busy and really lit with neon and spot lights. There is neon attached to every surface, kinda like a Times Square. It was amazing. We pused through the crowds back to the hotel for an eary night.


Robyn, James, Lauren, and Graham said...

I will not give you any grief for eating at those places - like I said before, I'm just happy y'all are eating! The pics are awesome - Hailey is so beautiful, and Alex looks so peaceful and truly happy, which is a fantistic thing to see.

Robyn xoxox

Kevin Hemsworth said...

Since when did Robyn say "y'all" live in Virginia, not Texas. You've been watching too much Oprah and Dr. Phil I think. If you can't tell by my grumpiness, jet lag has officially set in. After sleeping through the Superbowl (did you guys get that in China?), I was wide awake at 5:30 this morning. Glad to hear you guys are really immersing yourself in the culture...

Robyn, James, Lauren, and Graham said...

I would like to say for the record that I watch neither Oprah nor Dr. Phil - in fact, I wrote a livid letter to Oprah not that long ago, but that's another story entirely. People here south of the Mason-Dixon do indeed say y'all, and I appear to have picked it's better than "you guys" (in my opinion), which was my old faithful before.

Alas, this blog is not the place for an old fashioned Kevin-Robyn argument, though I'm sure it makes you miss home! I know it does for me...

Dad H. said...

Hi Mom set up an account for me so I could let you know that I too am thinking of you and can "blog" you a note.

I have been reading your blog daily and couldn't be happier for all of us.

Keep posting the news with more pics, we wait for it daily.

Can't wait to see you on the 15th. Love, Dad