Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hutang Tour.

We went on the Hutang tour this morning. It was quite chilly. The tour is by bicycle (with us under blanket) in back through an old community in the city. We stopped at a local kindergarten where we went into two classes and met the children where they sang to us and then we sang to them the same songs in english. It ended with tea in a local family's home. Quite amazing.


Robyn, James, Lauren, and Graham said...

Oh my gosh! That picture of the kindergarten kids with the Canadian flags made me cry. How awesome. This is so exciting, guys.

Paul Hansen said...

Hi Alex,

This must be sooo exciting, can't imagine the last time you slept properly. if I recall my early parenting days, a full nights sleep could be alittle while off. But I bet you dont mind a bit!

I think I am becoming the Alex and baby news upadat e service - heavily supported by Auntie Dagmar
Take care, loads of love and hapiness to you both
Paul Hansen and the aussie fans