Sunday, December 16, 2007

A quick catch up...

putting on my lipstick

me and daddy

mommy and i went to the Barrick Kids Christmas party

We tried to sit on Santa's knee... (see Olivia's blog for a similiar outcome)

Maya visits for breakfast

Hailey and the Carmodys

shopping with mommy

cute little Halloween turtle

snuggling with our cousin

visit with the Bradys (we still include Kyle in alot of our songs)

Helping daddy at the cottage

I won a monkey while fishing at the fair with Grandma

driving the tractor at the Kinmount Fair

Auntie Joan and Tom visit

Ontario place

oink oink

Mommy and me off to the Ex

my cousin visits

Auntie RaRa visits

Cottage fun!

Hailey and Madeline at Marineland